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9th November 2014Pitchmarks on Greens
As at 20th NOVEMBER 2014
Contractors – FAIRWAYS LIMITED * – are well into their anticipated 5 week contract to create new pathways and access points for the use of our new buggies and club machinery and vehicles around the golf course.
Contractors – JH CIVIL ENGINEERS * – have completed the resurfacing works on the driveway.
* Red stone chips on hard shoulder of drive – to be purchased and laid by Course Staff.
Contractor – THOMAS WALKER * – has completed the thinning of overhanging branches from the entrance pillars to the clubhouse.
Contractors – HUGH STIRLING LIMITED * – have completed a two phase repair to the cracking on the front/side/rear of the clubhouse building in advance of early Spring Works by McCOLL DECORATORS to repaint the entire building.
Contractors – PREMIER FACILITIES * – have completed the first phase of a power washing of the front & side of the clubhouse building and the jet washing of our entrance wall & pillars.
Contractors – McCOLL DECORATORS * – have been appointed to undertake the complete re-painting of the exterior of the clubhouse. However, due to temperature & moisture concerns, the works will not commence until the Spring 2015 in advance of the new season.
Contractor – FORREST CONTRACTS * – has been appointed to complete the fencing and new gate at rear of clubhouse to be carried out on completion of the re-painting.
The works highlighted thus * are being carried out under the terms of the John Watson Foundation gift to the club.
Other, complementary, works are being funded by the club: such as providing wider car parking spaces (of 2.7 m) in same orientation plus new speed limit signs and SLOW warning strip at end of driveway.
Brian Thistle