Summer Course News
25th June 2015Bill Jessiman Competition
5th July 2015We were promised sunshine later in the day, and yes, the later players had the best of the weather! However, rain did not deter the large number of entrants in the morning and early afternoon, during this the 22nd year, of the Open Greensomes Competition.
A lot of effort goes into organising events like this, very many thanks to Anne Fergusson and her team of helpers – Helen Robertson, Jinty Halley and Sally MacFarlane. Thanks too, to the gentlemen starters at the tee, who valiantly kept the Ladies on time.
A tremendous donation of over £600 will be given to Diabetes Scotland, raised by the raffle. Thank you to the very generous donations from the members and to the helpers at the raffle table on the day.
It was good to see a large number of competitors enjoying excellent catering and staying for the prizegiving in the evening.
CLICK HERE to view the list of prizewinners. Below are some photographs of the winners. Thank you, Barbara!
Elaine McEwen
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