2016/2017 Fee Incentives and Packages
21st January 2016Come Up and See Us Sometime
4th February 2016Past Captain John Telfer wished the following note of thanks to be published
An Appreciation.
AGM resolution 3 mentions the members of the original Junior Development group which was started in 1997.
It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the many other members who have assisted since that time. The list is long but I would like to mention the following in particular. If I have missed anybody please excuse any omissions.
I would like to thank all the Parent members who gave of their time to help to establish and to continue the programme for the Juniors at Douglas Park.
I addition to these parents I would like to add my thanks to Team managers Alan Thomson, Graeme Anderson, Alan Gordon and Jim McManus who shared many eventful evenings with both the JJMcCarry and Marley teams.
Added to that list I must also mention the Junior Girls Conveners from Mary McIlroy onwards who were always there in support of all the juniors.
Also I would like to acknowledge the list of members who add their names annually to the list of sponsors of the junior medals. This list contains the same names year after year and hopefully this will continue in the future and perhaps be added to by others.
Finally I am pleased to note that the “Young” team moving into the match office are all former members of the junior squad.
Members, thank you very much for the honour granted.
Thank you.
John Telfer