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22nd February 2017Douglas Park Ladies certainly know how to enjoy themselves! On Friday, 24 February, on a dreich, cold night, 92 ladies turned out in force for their Annual Dinner, Hawaiian Style. While sipping Blue Lagoons, the Ladies were entertained by three young guitarists from the High School. This was followed by an outstanding meal with an Hawaiian theme. The Douglas Park Ladies’ Choir, dressed to kill and suitably fortified, entertained us to songs from South Pacific. Our speaker for the evening, Marilyn Orcharton, well known entrepreneur and raconteur gave us a most amusing speech on her exploits and travels and totally coincidentally, on her many trips to Hawaii. The Ladies continued to enjoy themselves until late. A memorable night was had by one and all!
My sincere thanks to Lisa, Pauline and all the catering staff, Olive MacKay, our cocktail expert, Jeanie Sutherland and Elaine McEwan for their beautiful Hawaiian inspired flower arrangements, June Lockhart for her alternative Grace, Maggie Rutherford, our secret artist, Carol Fell and Ann Fisher for photography. Particular thanks to the Douglas Park Ladies’ Choir, conducted by Eileen Hunter and accompanied by Margaret Morris, our speaker, Marilyn Orcharton and the wonderful Ladies’ Committee and Lesley Irvine for all their advice and help, and to Ladies’ Vice-Captain, Anne Reid for her vote of thanks. Last but not least my thanks to all the Lady Members who totally embraced the Hawaiian theme and made the night such a success.
To see some photos from Carol Fell — CLICK HERE
Also, to view a brief video of the Douglas Park ladies Choir performance, please click on the following link.
Christina Graham
Ladies’ Captain