Donald Cameron Draw with Local Rivals
22nd June 2018Ladies’ Non Counting & Fun Competitions – Draws/results for 2018
23rd June 201864 couples took part in our 2018 Open Day competition on a lovely bright, albeit slightly breezy, day.
CLICK HERE to view the list of prize winners … well done ladies!
Over £500 was raised from the proceeds of the raffle and will be presented to the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research Glasgow. Thank you to the very generous donations from the members and to the helpers at the raffle table on the day. Thanks also to all the ladies who assisted with the ‘check in’ table, and to the gentlemen starters at the tee, who bravely kept the ladies on time!
A tremendous amount of effort goes into events like this and we say a very big thank you to Anne Fergusson, Sally McFarlane and Helen Robertson, ably assisted by Jinty Halley and Patricia Richmond, for their organisation of 26 Douglas Park Ladies’ Open Days! They have raised around £600 every year enabling so many different charities to benefit from these donations over the years. Magnificent – well done ladies and thank you so much!
It was good to see a large number of competitors enjoying excellent catering and staying for the prizegiving in the evening.
Anne Reid, Lady Captain