DP Course

5th June 2017

Watson Foundation Course Works Now Complete

We are pleased to advise that Ground Water Dynamics have completed their installation of a unique and state of the art vertical drainage system at the following areas on the course (which many of you will have noticed over the past few days) Centenary Copse 9th Fairway (at foot of the hill) 10th Tee & approaches to the 9th Green […]
19th April 2017

April Course News

APRIL COURSE NEWS   Greens There has been good growth on all greens and 40 tons of top dressing sand has been applied to all greens. The staff will continue to top dress over the next two weeks and over seed the fusarium patches with fescue seed as this is the quickest to germinate. Tees All mats have been removed […]
8th March 2017

March Course News

Redevelopment of Practice Putting Green We are delighted to announce that the Watson Foundation will be funding the redevelopment of the Putting green in front of the clubhouse. The contractors will expand and level the putting surface. We are hoping that this work will get underway before the end of the month. Scottish Water Works Works to replace the main […]
22nd February 2017

Test Drainage Works

Thanks to funding from the Watson Foundation, Ground Water Dynamics, have just  carried out limited work beside the 9th green and behind the 7th green to show the club how effective their drainage solutions are. [slideshow_deploy id=’9748’]    
10th February 2017

Course News

Scottish Water Works Somewhat belatedly Scottish Water will be starting work on replacing their sewer on Monday 20th February. The work is due to last 6 weeks but the contractors, George Leslie, have assured us that they will attempt to complete the work as quickly as possible. The work will mean disruption to the first tee and loss of some […]
22nd January 2017

The 2017 Burns Supper Kicks off the Year in Style

A good crowd attended the Burns Supper in the clubhouse on Friday evening (20th January) hosted by Vice Captain Alistair Forrest and enjoyed the music of Margaret and Andy Morris and the performances of Graham Hill, Yvonne Waring and Immortal Memory by one of last year’s stars, Jim Nicol accompanied by Linda Ormiston and topped off with a rendition of […]
21st December 2016

Winter Works : Overview

As many hardy souls will know there are a number of heavy-duty works which have started around the golf course. For example, the green-keeping team have excavated the old, perished, astro turf inserts from a number of tees (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 12th, 17th) and had them patched with turf taken from the clearance works at the Gents old 16th tee. […]